
What is success for an athlete? I believe that the most successful athletes have an intuitive ability to balance their physical and psychological well-being while being attentive to their fellow teammates and coaches. What’s more, they know how to capitalize on their character strengths and athletic prowess to overcome obstacles and achieve victories.

I work with athletes to maximize their performance, success, and well-being by enhancing the following essential factors:

  • nutrition
  • rest
  • fitness and training
  • character strengths
  • mindset
  • motivation and goal-setting
  • perseverance and passion
  • resilience
  • relationship skills
  • personal success vs. team success

By enhancing these factors, athletes perform at their best. They become better athletes, students, teammates, and leaders.

I have found that the most challenging aspect of working with athletes is helping them to appreciate the value of losses, adversity, and setbacks. When we work together, the opportunities provided by these “negative” experiences become more clear. In the end, we learn how to turn failures into wins and successes. As I often tell my athletes, “To win a game is like a birthday celebration or a trip to Disney World; to lose is an education and an opportunity to change and grow.”

36 Main Street - The Mews
Stockbridge, MA 01262
(413) 298-4544

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