
When you meet with me for family therapy or family coaching, you will quickly learn about my team approach.

No matter what issue you present to me, I will not identify any single family member as “the problem.” Instead, I will guide you to focus on how each member of the family can contribute to getting the team back on the playing field, so you can enjoy the game of life again and score goals.

When you are in my office, I play the role of head coach, and parents become assistant coaches. While you may come into our work together at a loss for how to guide your children toward success in one or more areas of life, I will give you practical concepts, tools, and techniques that you can use when you head back home into day-to day-life.

In our family therapy and family coaching work, I will hold your children accountable as well to their role on the team. This involves doing well at school, communicating responsibly, contributing to the household, taking care of their health, respecting authority, and more.

When I provide family therapy and family coaching, I help families function well as a team in eight areas of well-being by:

  • promoting psychological and physical health
  • identifying everyone’s work
  • clarifying, supporting and protecting relationships within and without the family
  • respecting home life
  • giving to the community
  • understanding how to manage time and money
  • appreciating nature
  • developing an attitude of mindfulness

Across these eight areas, I encourage parents to instill values and morals, build children’s character, and promote happiness, relaxation, and fun. I also teach four mindsets that parents can develop in their children to help them become self-empowered: hard work, problem-solving, health, and team.

If a member of the family is not able to do their part, I may recommend that they seek treatment elsewhere until they are able to return to the family, whether that be a substance abuse treatment center, anger-management program, marriage therapy, wilderness program, or therapeutic boarding school.

My team approach works for families of every kind. Whether the head of the family is a single parent, two parents of opposite gender or same gender, biological parents, step-parents, adoptive parents, or grandparents, this approach of every family member having his or her work, role, and function applies.

Parents’ job is to lead and educate their children, and children’s job is to respect the guidance their parents provide them. When that guidance promotes hard work, problem-solving, health, and team and honors the eight areas of well-being, children develop into self-empowered adults who are able to enjoy life and give back to society.

36 Main Street - The Mews
Stockbridge, MA 01262

(413) 298-4544

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